㆗Without Signing Up㆙ Movie Watch Extra Ordinary
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- Coauthor: Athena Cinema
- Resume The Athena Cinema's mission is to bring the finest independent film to Southeastern Ohio and create a shared space for dialogue. Educate, Entertain, Engage
Creators=Enda Loughman, Maeve Higgins
actor=Maeve Higgins
duration=1h, 34Min
Summary=Extra Ordinary is a movie starring Maeve Higgins, Barry Ward, and Will Forte. Rose, a mostly sweet and lonely Irish driving instructor, must use her supernatural talents to save the daughter of Martin (also mostly sweet and lonely)
Rating=3549 Votes
So they're pushing satanism and witchcraft by making it funny? Like they've been doing for years with pedophilia on cartoons? OK... I see how that works. Hollywood really is completely filled with filth and evil isn't it? Try and find something uplifting and wholesome right now, I dare you. All it is is sexualizing little kids, promoting pedophiles, cannibalism and Satan worship. That's everything on Netflix right now. Perfect video ❤❤👋👋. 0:35 Truly, the face of pure horror and evil. Oh... I thought this was a movie. BRING BACK MACGRUBER. Man will forte's great. So secluded. What happen if you are having a heart attack, and you need to call an ambulance. Jonah with Achy Breaky hair Lmao. You're a sweet man Stephen Colbert. The way you gently led this man along made for a great interview, even after the but you're still single, why would anyone listen to you? gotcha moment. Seeing that he had made his guest look a lil silly and pause, Colbert immediately and smoothly transitioned the convo back in to stable ground. Flexing his Empathy Muscle, Colbert is one of the greatest interviewers I've seen.
Is that Won young from “My ID is Gamnam beauty”? Also Im sorry if I got the name wrong. I get a 70s mid tempo disco feeling from this tune. https://mobile.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=239406720590975&id=100035649450392 Man, those dramatic seconds. A bit silly at parts, but overall an entertaining movie. This song is so amazing. https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fweb.facebook.com%2Falekseev14%2Fposts%2F2818078758312655&width=500 Its very very fantastic. I can't watch this ever because ITS NOT JIM.
Well i'm more of an alt rock guy but i do like the singer's classy style. so refreshing to see these days. i'm guessing since the movie takes place in the 90s they were going for that old school house vibe. and omg was that Dazzler. I was surprised by how well Extra Ordinary worked. It's full of little surprises and great performances. Apart from one bad choice (the entire character played by Claudia O'Doherty: an extremely unfunny stock character who seems to have wandered in from an Adam Sandler movie) Extra Ordinary is consistently smart and fun. That's what you get for playing the field, Pam! Poor Jim, he must be looking at that empty reception broken-hearted.
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